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Registration - Registration Process
Registration Process
  1. Registration Process
  2. Summary

In Step 1, please enter your email address and a password to create your account.  The email address and password entered will be used for future login to Candidate Space, so please make a note of this information for future reference.  Future correspondence from Greenville County Schools, will be primarily through email so please check the email address provided on a regular basis.   In Step 2, select Fill in content by hand and click Begin to enter your profile information manually.  Or, select Use Resume Content, attach your resume and click Submit to automatically create your profile using a resume.

Don't have an email address? Create one here.
Don't have a resume?
Provide the following information instead:
ViewException:<br> Class Name: Candidate<br> Field Name: null<br> View Name: CreateLoginCasual<br> Set Name: Candidate.SymbolicKey<br> Sort Field: HROrganization = 1000<br> Sort Field: Candidate = 0<br> Field: PrimaryContactInfo = 0<br> Field: LoginName = <br> Field: CandidateEmailHelpLink = http://gmail.com<br> Field: AddressMessageCity = <br> Field: LocalResume = <br> Field: SocialMediaUrl = <br> Field: Name = <br> Field: ImageFile = com.lawson.rdtech.type.BinaryDocument@1<br> Field: ImportFromMobile = false<br> Field: ImageFile = com.lawson.rdtech.type.BinaryDocument@1<br> Field: (HROrganization.RegisteredTradeMark translation) = <sup><span>®</span></sup><br> Field: GCBackgroundCheckDate = 00000000<br> Field: Password = ***************<br> Field: ImportFromResume = false<br> Field: GCBackgroundSent = 00000000<br> Field: Candidate = 0<br> Field: AddressMessageZipCode = <br> Field: AddressMessageCountry = <br> Field: ImportFromSocialMedia = false<br> Field: ImageFile = com.lawson.rdtech.type.BinaryDocument@1<br> Field: AddressMessageStreet = <br> Field: TempPreferredContactMethod = 0<br> Field: (PrimaryContactInfo.PostalAddress.Country.Name translation) = <br> Field: AddressMessageState = <br> Field: ConfirmPassword = ***************<br> Field: GCBackgroundCheck = <br> Field: (HROrganization.WizardHeaderRegistrationDisplay translation) = <br> Field: GCAssessmentSent = 00000000<br> Field: HROrganization = 1000<br> Field: (HROrganization.ManualCandidateRegistrationHeader translation) = Don't have a resume? Provide the following information instead:<br> Field: LocalLoginName = <br> Field: (ContactInformationWizardTextRel.WizardText translation) = <p style=margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;><span style=line-height:107%;><font face=Arial Black style=font-size:10pt;>Please provide your current contact information including your email address and phone number.  A valid email address and phone number are critical for future correspondence, so please verify both are entered and accurate.  When you complete this section, please select the Save button at the bottom of the page.</font></span></p><p style=margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;><font style=font-size:10pt;> </font></p><br> Field: (RegistrationWizardTextRel.WizardText translation) = <p style=margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;><span style=line-height:107%;><font face=Arial Black style=font-size:12pt;>In Step 1, please enter your email address and a password to create your account.  The email address and password entered will be used for future login to Candidate Space, so please make a note of this information for future reference.  Future correspondence from Greenville County Schools, will be primarily through email so please check the email address provided on a regular basis.   In Step 2, select Fill in content by hand and click Begin to enter your profile information manually.  Or, select Use Resume Content, attach your resume and click Submit to automatically create your profile using a resume.</font></span></p><br> Field: (FamilyNameMF translation) = Last Name<br> Field: (IncompleteProfileMF translation) = Warning: Profile Is Incomplete ( Missing the following fields )<br> Field: (RegistrationConfirmationWizardTextRel.WizardText translation) = <font face=Segoe UI>Thank you for registering as a candidate with Greenville County Schools.  Your registration is complete.</font><br> Field: (WizardHeaderRegistrationConfirmationDisplay translation) = Registration Complete<br> Field: (CountyMF translation) = County<br> Field: (PostalCodeMF translation) = Zip Code<br> Field: (WizardTextSocialMediaDisplay translation) = Creating a profile from a Social Media site requires a three step process. <br> - Step 1. Provide credentials for a Social Media site to get profile data. <br> - Step 2. Get profile data from identified Social Media site. <br> - Step 3. Reviewing profile data for accuracy.<br> Field: (StateProvinceMF translation) = State<br> Field: (WizardHeaderSocialMediaDisplay translation) = Social Media<br> Field: (MunicipalityMF translation) = City<br> Field: (CountryMF translation) = Country<br> Field: (GivenNameMF translation) = First Name<br> Field: (AddressLine1MF translation) = Address Line 1<br> Field: (CheckMark translation) = <span style=color:#00FF00;>✓</span><br> Field: ParsedOrActive = false<br> Field: Active = true<br> Field: ParsedFields = <br> Field: SocialMediaStep1Pending = true<br> Field: SocialMediaStep1Complete = false<br> Field: SocialMediaStep2Pending = false<br> Field: SocialMediaStep2Complete = false<br> Field: IsCandidate = false<br> Field: Active = true<br> Field: ResumeParsingEnabled = true<br> Field: ResumeParsing = 3<br> Field: SocialMediaConfigurationExists = false<br> Field: LinkedInEnabled = false<br> Field: FacebookEnabled = false<br> Field: GooglePlusEnabled = false<br> Field: Active = true<br> Field: Candidate_reason_code = <br> Field: Candidate_action_comment = <br> Field: Candidate_effective_date = 00000000<br> <br> ViewException:<br> Class Name: Candidate<br> Field Name: null<br> Set Name: Candidate.SymbolicKey<br> Sort Field: HROrganization = 1000<br> Sort Field: Candidate = 0<br> <br>Stack Trace:<br> com.lawson.rdtech.type.ViewException: Email address is required